
Shy around those she doesn't know, Elise is a prudent woman who prefers simple looks over anything overly exorbitant. When she is in public, she will engage with others for the sake of her own naïvety and to learn as much as she can about the happenings around her, much like a curious child.Behind closed doors and around those she knows, Elise is a woman with a pure heart who genuinely is caring and grateful for all of those she chooses to keep close. A dedicated student of the Studium in medicine and aetherology, she is willing to go to any end to make sure that no harm comes to those she cares about, especially her oldest brother, Alfric.Having seen and survived first hand hardship that would normally break any other person, she has long been absent from public eye until recently. And is now re-entering a world and a society she is only just beginning to get re-acquainted with, and trying not to get overwhelmed in the process.

The Basics

- Age: 24
- Birthday: 25th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon
- Race: Midlander Hyur
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Bisexual (male-leaning)
- Marital Status: Single
- Server: Mateus (US)

Physical Appearance

- Hair: Platinum Blonde
- Eyes: Blue
- Height: 5'4"
- Weight: 114 ponze
- Build: Slender
- Distinguishing Marks: None visible


- Hobbies: Reading, learning, enjoying walks
- Languages: Eorzean Common
- Birthplace: Silver Bazaar, Ul'dah
- Religion: Undisclosed
- Family: Alfric Braddock (Brother), Eduard Braddock (Brother, deceased), Jasen Redwynn (Co-father-in-law), Auriadne Redwynn-Braddock (Sister-in-law), Crym Redwynn (Brother-in-law), Ayana Rhelka (Sister-in-law), Isabella Redwynn (Niece), Cassia Redwynn-Desall (Niece)


I Just Want to Be Normal, Break the Cutie, Determinator

RP Hooks


No permission needed!

- Student of Sharlayan: Elise is a student of the Studium and is currently studying medicine and Somanoutics. She has been showing tremendous promise in her studies thus far, and is in her final year of study.- Family Business: She is the younger sister of Alfric Braddock, who is a known Bounty Hunter and magitek engineer for hire. From time to time, she assists with his hunts.- Endless Curiousity: Elise holds a near boundless thirst for knowledge and is always curious to learn about new things, no matter what they are around her.


Use sparingly or request first!

- Unusual Aether: Elise has high aetherical potential, but something seems off about the way she uses aether when healing. And for some unknown reason, she tires herself faster than normal when she does.- Knowledge Gaps: Elise seems at times to have missing gaps of knowledge that would be common for people to know if they'd lived as a part of Eorzea for the last decade. And a large part of her curiousity seems to focus on covering these.- Amal'jaa Knowledge: Elise somehow has a deep understanding of Amal'jaa traditions and customs. Much more than the average Eorzean or even average Ul'dahnian would possess.


Must have player permission!

- Garlean Lineage: A well guarded family secret, Elise's bloodline traces its roots back to Garlemald. She is not full blooded, and therefore lacks the distinctive third eye.- Wanted Sibling: Elise's second brother was a known wanted criminal for a wide range of crimes. She despises him, and prior to his demise at Alfric's hands would join her brother at the chance to deliver justice to their wayward sibling.- Fomer Slave: Elise was a slave to a radical sect of Amal'jaa loyal to Ifrit for nine years until her rescue at the hands of her brother and his allies. The ordeal has left her traumatized and severely distrusting of Amal'jaa in particular.

OOC Info

- Player is 21+, prefer to RP with those 21+, must at a minimum be 18+.
- Timezone is US Central, typically available during weekends, evenings on weekdays
- Open to most forms of RP (No ERP please!)
- Prefer to do RP in game, can also do Discord RP as needed
- Questions welcome OOCly!